Saturday 12 December 2015

Rough Cut 2 Feedback


Today we completed our rough cut 2 and presented it to our class. They gave us feedback on what they liked and what they thought we could do to improve.

To improve they said we should:

- Put the distributor title before the production title.

- Take out the ':' in the titles as it wasn't consistent throughout the opening.

- Lighten the ashtray shots a little bit as some people thought it wasn't clear enough.

- Add sound to the blank screen towards the end as the students in our class thought it that our film had ended, but we had more shots to come.

- Some of the credits need to be on the screen a bit longer, to give the audience more time to read them. The lack of time also links to the effect as it makes the credits flash on and off the screen.

- They also said that we need more layers of sound. We were already aware of this and have scheduled to record some sounds over the weekend ready for our next editing session on Monday.

We will take all of the comments on board and we will do everything we can in order to improve our opening title sequence.

What they liked:

- The class liked our soundtrack and how the shots was in time with some of the sound.

- People also liked our opening in general and our teacher said : 'it's excellent, not good, excellent'           

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