Friday 1 January 2016

Evaluation of Rough Cut 1

I believe that our group's rough cut of our title sequence was successful as a whole. As we decided to do a discrete opening, the order of the shots made sense, even though they were not in the exact order that we had intended due to finding more locations whilst out filming.

The camera work in my opinion was okay. We used many different shots and used the tripod as different stages of filming. However, some of the footage that we shot was really shaky due to the very cold weather - to solve this we cut down the footage during editing so that it wasn't as noticeable. 

We used a variety of shots in order to portray our genre and ones that we thought would help allow us to create tension in our film opening. The shots included 
Wide shots
Close ups
Over the shoulder shots
Extreme close ups
Panned shots
Low angle shots

For a few of the scenes we used lights which we borrowed from college as we were filming in many different dark locations. However, we had to use the lights on our phones to spotlight the character and his surroundings as the power was out. There were other times in which we didn't use the lights as it would ruin the natural light and its affect, such as in the Greenwich Foot Tunnel.

We only had two characters in our film opening, one of the reasons for this decision was that our opening was discrete. One character was played by my friend; however the role role was played through photographs of her. The character of the stalker was played by different people due to the original person not being able to shoot all the time. As the stalkers' costume was black clothing, and their face was never revealed, different people were able to play it without any viewers noticing.

I feel as if we used the Mise-en-scene well during our opening which really allowed to achieve our genre of Thriller/Horror. The use of the grave yard and Greenwich Foot Tunnel really added to that. I also think the use of costumes and props really added to this too.

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