Wednesday 30 September 2015



During this prelim I have developed many skills for instance filming skills, since I have never used a camera like the one we, used I learnt the functions of the camera and how to use it to film different things. the camera itself was advanced so you had to position it properly, I also knew how to use and set up a tripod which I used to film the prelim. another skill I learnt is editing, editing things on the macs helped me to put the prelim together and erase most of the mistakes from filming. It also will help me in the future when editing other videos.

I think that our film was successful as the first shot when the character was walking up the stairs from a different angle blended seamlessly when the character reached the top of the stairs. I also think that the 180 degree rule was followed all the way though and that the shot reverse shot was too as we turned the camera to the person that was speaking when the two had a conversation.

I thought I was particularly good at filming as I used the camera well and made sure all the characters could be seen. I also thought that I was good at working in a team as I am usually a very independent person. another thing I was particularly good at was editing as I noticed when something wasn't right and could fix it.

The aspects of the film that worked well was the acting which was particularly amusing and it helped the video seem more realistic. Another thing that worked well was the lighting as it was very bright in out location so you could see everything and it looked more professional than if we picked a spot with low lighting. I thought that we captured the location (the 73 bus) and used the prop particularly well and it was a coincidence that spurs lost and arsenal won the day before which added to the video. However what didn't go so well was some of the heads where not in the top grid which gave them a lot of head room and the camera moved slightly when we was taking a shot which didn't look great.

If I was to complete the project again I would try to be more involved with planning as planning was not my strong point when it came to the prelim as I usually just like getting into things but I do see the importance of planning and time management. I would also use more shot varieties as we used a limited amount as it was our first time filming.

The importance of storyboarding is to organize your time as we only had a limited amount of time storyboards helped allocate our time to different shots and overall helped us organized so we didn't miss anything. The shot list helped enable us to pick a wide variety of shots and by doing this helped us produce the video we have now.

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