Wednesday 30 September 2015

RESEARCH - The Title Sequence


The purpose of title sequence and film opening is to capture audience attention and make them feel interested in the film from the first five minutes, also to establish the genre of the movie. This can be done using soundtrack for the background which would set the mood of the film. Also, a use of certain colours would also have to be depending on the genre; if it’s a comedy, it’s more likely to have bright colourful title sequence with an interesting typography. However, if it’s a horror movie, the colours are more likely to be dark and use of special affects should appear on typography to make it look spookier and mysterious. Moreover, at the main beginning of every movie there are Production Company and distribution company indents which also help the audience to guess the genre as some productions work only on specific types of movies. Credits are also used at the begging to inform people about the most famous featuring actors taking part in the movie to attract more watchers. 

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