Wednesday 30 September 2015


'Watching documentary'


What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says the following? "films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. while there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible"

Thomas means that for any film to have an audience they have to form a bond with the film and meaning your work almost compelling them, so that the audience will come back and watch more of your films. However there are many types of ways to hook your audience the film opening is the best way as if the opening Is strong and the audience likes it then they will love the rest of the film and therefore creating a longer relationship than if you were to build up in the middle. (obligation to announce as much ambition as possible)

According to director jean Jacques beineix, what are the risks of 'instant arousal'?

Jean says that the risks of instant arousal is that if you start very strong you will have to ask yourself what you do next to raise the bar and answer the questions that you have created and the risk is that you may never be able to answer the questions that you created if you instantly arouse the audience. He also says the audience should wait and be nurtured into the film before you get the satisfaction.

Explain why ' a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn't know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn't know to little'

This is because the audience is just establishing many things at once so you don't want to give it up all at once. Also the audience is adjusting to the film. If the audience knew everything already from the opening before the film started there would be no point of the whole movie however they want people to know something so they can create questions that are answered in the film which keeps you engaged and hooked, however if you leave the audience knowing too little than there might be more questions that can be answered in the film leaving them confused or fed up.

What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classical opening? Why does this work?

He describes the film beginning with an establishing shot which is normally in New York City. Then there is a close up of a building, the camera then goes up the building and then to a window, we go into the window and then past the receptionist and then into the private office and there sits a character. this works because we know where the film is set, what the hero's occupation is and the organization of the world.

Why is Kyle coopers title to the film seven so effective?

Kyle coopers title seven is so effective because the begging credits tell a story so they feel like part of the movie and foreshadowed some of the movie as the credits and the movies are usually separate so it is effective as there together and the main charter is involved with the credits revealing his obsessive nature. primarily became the movies first sequence.

What did Orson Welles want to achieve with his opening to the film a touch of evil? What did universal studios do to it ? Why?

Orson wanted to start the film opening without any credits and a title to the movie to plunge the audience into the movie without having time to prepare for it, however the universal studios altered the movie and added score and credits which meant the effect was lost and merely a preamble to the movie. Which blunted orsons originality. They did this because they needed the assertion of authority and for the producers to be credited.

What is meant by "a favorite trick of film noir"? What is the trick?

A favorite trick of film noir is the beginnings of the film are like the endings of the film and not really beginnings at all they do this as the beginning looks like a destination a destination as much as a departure looking ahead towards what's to come.

how does the opening to the film the shining create suspense?

At first sight the beginning of the shining is merely picturesque and easy uplift of a helicopter ride. But on second viewing you can see from the screen that it is full of omens and the camera is pursing the car like a predator high up and from behind. We can Clearly see that the car is travelling in the wrong direction.




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