Wednesday 30 September 2015


what is the purpose of a title sequences and film opening?

From what I learnt the film opening is made up of many things for example the soundtrack, title credits and idents. A film opening is used to set the mood of the film, this is usually done by showing the main character, having a narrative played or just a clip of the actual setting. The film opening is important as it is the first thing that the viewer see's and could impact whether they watch it or not. It also has a purpose as the viewer can pick up certain things like the genre for instance. If the movie was going to be scary then the colour palette would be more of a reddish/blackish colour and the mise en scene would be dark. There could also be a range of shot lengths and teasers of what's to come in the movie. All movie openings are different for example in the movie Spring Breakers the movie opening was full of credits which were animated to look like lit up signs and had pop music as the soundtrack. However another movie called Daredevil had a different one. It was a kind of explanation of how daredevil came to be as we see various images and then him, which gave more of an understanding to the movie. A title sequence on the other hand is how producers present the movie title which is usually done in a fancy way and usually done after the first sequence of the movie. they use a wide range of shots in the openings ranging from mid-shots to close ups.

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