Wednesday 30 September 2015

INTRODUCTORY - Prelim evaluation


While making prelim project I gained couple of new skills, e.g. planning; I made the story board which included different shot types and the whole sequence of the story. We tried to stick to the story board as much as possible, however, some of the shot types like Birdseye were impossible to achieve in the small room which we had, so we changed them. Also, I think that I was less good at filming, probably because I only had a chance to film the first scene, as I was acting in the rest of them. In addition, the editing part didn’t go as well as we expected, every member of the group tried to edit the movie, but we didn’t have enough time and the last couple of scenes seems to be not as seamless as we wanted.

The aspects which worked the best in our film were the sitting down/conversation part and 180 degree rule; we managed not to break the rule, even though it was difficult to fit tripod and camera in that small room. However, parts such as shot reverse and match cuts were not as successful as it should have been. There’s not enough shot reverse shot type of filming during our conversation, which is again due to our bad time management.

I would make many changes if I had to do the project again. Firstly, I would use more ‘cut in’ shots, as well as ‘shot reverse shot’. I would also try to film the conversation from many different angles, because I would have wider range of shot selection which I could then include in my project and make it seamless.

During this prelim project I learnt that storyboards are very important as it helps to direct you. It would have been impossible to film if we improvised every scene there. Also, it is important to include shot types in the storyboard, because when we were filming our prelim, we used to forget what different shot types there are so we always had to refer back to our story board.

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