Monday 2 November 2015

Researching into existing distribution companies

I looked at the distribution and marketing of a thriller movie which in a way is similar to what our group intends to produce. The movie I looked at was The Omen 1976.

I found that the movie is copyrighted by Twentieth Century Fox and has many different distributors which are shown in the image below. 

The film produced an advert in which was broadcasted on Television as well as posters being distributed around towns in public places. As this movie was produced in 1976, there were no social media sites dedicated to the movie. However, there are currently fan sites dedicated to the movie.

The Omen wasn't restricted in release, in fact it was released in many different languages so many more people in different countries were able to watch the film and understand it. The film was released in languages such as Spanish, Italian, Latin and German. The film is also available on DVD and Blu Ray.

During the opening weekend alone, the box office sales came to the total of $4,273,886 and to this date made $60,922,980 in the USA. The film also made $28,544,000 from DVD rentals.

The film has a link to another form of media as it produced its own soundtrack.

This distributor could possibly distribute our film as we are producing the same genre of film. However, Twentieth Century Fox tend to distribute and work with films with a high budget, and we are producing a student film opening.

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