Tuesday 3 November 2015

BLOGPOST 35 PLANNING- Film credits by Lauryn Lindo-Hutchinson - Task 1

Example 1:

  • The name of the film is se7en
  • The font used look like someone's handwriting and from what we see in the different scenes it looks like the handwriting was from the delusion man's diary.
  • The transitions that the text made was very jumpy and the actual titles were flashing and sometimes appearing backwards and then flashing back around. The closest match to the Se7en film is Jiggy on After Affects.
  • The color white is used in contrast to the rest of the film which used a very dark and dismal color palette the choice of the color white made the writing stand out more and made it clearer than if it was to be in any other color
  • The pace of the titles were very fast paced which added to the atmosphere that the film makers wanted to create. The movement was also very quick as the titles would jump from different corners of the screen.
  • Some of the titles were on plain backgrounds which gave the titles a high contrast (black and white) and some of the titles were integrated into the scenes shown.
  • I like these titles because the font type is unique and I haven't seen a font like that before and the font also links to the film which is interesting.
  • splice
  • The film that I have chosen is called splice
  • The font used is like veins molding into letters. There are many scenes that the font changes throughout the film but mainly the font is some type of body tissue like a veins or capillaries.
  • The transition from font to font Is clever as every time we see a font to see the next one the camera moves of the previous one and makes the audience travel (go through the body of the creature) to find the other font somewhere else in the body.
  • The use of color which is green adds to the storyline and the plot of the film the formation of the creature is not normal or human and the green empathizes the alien feel of the movie .
  • The movement as mentioned previous takes us to a different place in the body. This happens at a medium speed so the audience gets to see the detailing like the blood cells.
  • All of the titles are integrated into the scene, literally as the scene is set in the creatures body and the titles will be in the shape of the things that we are seeing in the body.
  • I like this title sequence a lot as they it is very creative and gives the audience almost background into the movie before the movie has started so the audience will ask questions.

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