Sunday 1 November 2015

Finding and Planning locations and setting to use in the Opening Sequence

The first location I thought we could use in our own opening sequence is a graveyard. This is because a character that I have in mind, will be stalking a girl and by using the graveyard, it would suggest to viewers that perhaps someone will die in the actual movie, keeping them hooked. We'd be using this in an establishing shot. 

The next location we could use is a forest. I believe that this would be perfect as this will create suspense and mystery and would be used throughout the opening, possibly without a character being involved but props such as dolls heads. 

Location 3 would be Oxford street. This would show the normal life that one of the characters are living. The significance of this would be that another character is able to find/stalk her in such a busy environment. This would be seen in the middle of the sequence and possibly at the close.

Another location could be my attic. It is a very closed space with hints of spookiness due to the surroundings. It would be used as a characters lair in which he uses to stalk a young girl and would be seen throughout the sequence, especially the closing to the sequence. 

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