Monday 2 November 2015

RESEARCH - Practical Remake Activity Evaluation

Evaluation of our remake of SE7EN

Compare to the Prelim that me and my previous group produced, I feel as if every step has become better in this project. Firstly, the planning went so much better as each member in the group worked on a specific area of planning, then we all came together and shared our findings as well as sharing our ideas. Personally, the planning which I produced was very helpful for when we started creating our production as it meant that we knew what were doing and didn't waste time thinking about what we should be doing. 

We filming, I feel like I done a lot better than in the Prelim. I wasn't as shaky, only when/if it was deliberate in order to get the full effect for our opening. The shots which were produced were all quite similar in this project but enabled me to explore different angles of the same shot in which we decided as a group which was better to used in post production.

Editing as well went better than previously, especially because myself and the rest of the group knew how to use the editing software and knew exactly how we wanted it to look predominantly as we had the original sequence to refer to. However, we struggled with time a little bit due to creating and adding the titles as none of us had done that before and it took a while for us to adjust to the process of doing so. On the other hand, the sound was very easy to add and we had no problem with that.

Overall, I am very pleased with how our remake turned out, and I feel like my skills in planning, filming and editing are developing faster than I had expected. 

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