Sunday 1 November 2015

RESEARCH - Blogpost 30- Finding/Planning-Costume-Props


Idea 1:
Location: A graveyard near my house
Screenshot of the location on google maps:,-0.1081088,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761b4fc52a3425:0xd0d3f1fa0272d89a
Where might we see this: we may see this to establish the scene in an establishing shot and throughout the film opening using flashbacks.
  • To give the audience a feel of the genre
  • To help set the location
  • To make the reader question

Idea 2:
Location: The park outside the my house
Screenshot of the location on google maps:,+Farringdon+Ln,+London+EC1R+3BE/@51.523698,-0.106775,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761b4fc7da62e1:0xa3ae49e8eb6cceef
Where might we see this: We may use this for a shot as we are trying to do a more discrete narrative so we will be needing lots of different shots of different places.
  • It helps establish the color palette in the mise-en-scene as we are going for a very dark color palette.
  • It will also enlighten the audience as the audience will see where the villain likes to lurk

Idea 3:
Location: An Alleyway filled with trees
Screenshot of the location on google maps:,-0.1111551,17z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x48761b4f7832d9a1:0x5df6c630367fa77!2sPine+Street+Medical+Practice!3b1!3m1!1s0x48761b461a85f753:0x00a83d8d4f453247
Where might we see this: We are going to use this to the scene as we are going to use this when the character is walking home.
  •  It helps set the location
  •  It will enable us to get different shots of different things

Idea 4:
Location: Canal
Screenshot of the location on google maps:,-0.0815586,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761c97d4a6b7ed:0xa61714d604fafcdc
Where might we see this: We may see this again as another shot of the main character getting on with their day to day life.
  •  It helps set the location
  •  It will enable us to get different shots of different things

costume ideas:

Example 1:
  • Peter Parker:
Peter Parker usually wears very casual and stereotypically boyish clothing as he wants to blend into the crowd and not to get noticed to much. He wears a lot of green and dark blue to make up his outfit which consists of jeans a plain top a jacket and trainers with the makeup minimal to attract less attention.

whereas Spiderman has a more memorable costume he consist of a body suit that covers his entire body and is blue and red with a little spider on the chest area. He is covered in what looks like spider web scales around his face, neck, torso and feet. He has signature gloves that shoot spider web which is another memorable feature of the costume.

Example 2:


Cinderella is another memorable character with a memorable costume. Throughout the beginning of the film living with her stepmother Cinderella is usually dressed in dirty clothes covered with dust and holes with again minimal makeup. But as soon as the transformation happens Cinderella has on a beautiful blue ball gown, visible makeup with her hair done and the most important part of the costume her glass slippers.

 Example 3:

Mean Girls:
  • Regina George

In this film we see the importance of the costumes through the colour palette but in this case was all pink. It was also very stylish clothing showing the age group and initially the characteristics of the characters. In mean girls (especially this character) wears very revealing clothing mainly skirts and tops. Also this character is dressed as a very typical 'popular' teenage girl.

Here are some things I found at home:
This is what the antagonist would wear as it is very anonymous and hidden.
This is something that the girl would wear as it is very girly and modern.

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