Thursday 5 November 2015

PLANNING - Finding locations and settings (half-term task)


  • Graveyard 
          It is right in front of my house (near Leyton station).

This graveyard could be used in the establising shots, the stalker would we walking trough the graveyard, dropping doll heads on the floor. The camera would be following him or tilting up to create a suspence feeling, however he will have the hood on so that his identity would stay anonymus. This would help to build tension as it is a creepy place.

  • An empty road
         My road (Langthorne road, Leyton)


We would see this mostly in the closing shots. The stalker would be standing on this road in the dark and looking at the girls window, then slowly turning around to face the camera but his face would be covered with an anonymus mask so audience won't see his face. This would useful when creating a suspence.

  • Shed 
       In my back garden
The shed would be used as a room where the stalker keeps his equipmet and mask. It would be used in the establishing shots. This will set the tone and genre of the film.

  • Old playground

The playground is full with devilish graffities. It could be used for one of the shots in the establising scenes. This would create a scary image.

  • Camden bridge and graffiti's
         Camden town

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