Monday 2 November 2015

Planning Costume Ideas

As costume is such a key element in mise-en-scene, I researched into some well known characters' costumes.

Clueless - Cher

The character of Cher is a rich girl who still attends school. Her costumes enables the audience to understand that straight away. The costumes consists of 'school girl' outfits of a skirt, shirt and blazer/cardigan/jumper which are all colour coordinated. Her make up is always natural looking, often with a lot of lip gloss.

Titanic - Jack

Jack is a poor character in the movie the Titanic. Like the character of Cher, this is evident by the costume. He often wears trousers with a shirt and braces. The shirt he wear are usually ragged and signifies his social class.

Both of these costumes for each character represents many things such as gender, age and social class. Also, both of the outfits are iconic and people would be able to tell you where they are from. This is one of the things that we are aiming to; to have recognisable costumes which also relate to our chosen genre.

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