Thursday 5 November 2015

PLANNING - Final Mise-En-Scene decisions by Abigayle Cotterell and Monika Lupeikaite


Our Final locations are: Camden Lock, an attic,Greenwich tunnel, bridge, park, dark room and Shed. We feel as if these locations will enable us to get the full effect that we are going for in a thriller opening title sequence.

Hainault forest will be used to create a sense of mystery and suspense as to what the stalker is planning and that they are prepared to do anything in order to achieve his tasks. The forest will be seen in long shots, where the stalker will be walking through, dragging along dolls heads amongst the trees.

Shed at Monika's garden where we will take couple of establishing shots. Inside there will be some hazardous tools and a hanging anonymous mask which will later apper on our stalkers face.

An empty road, the place where we will film a stalker with a mask on staring at the girls window and then slowly turning around to face the camera.

A graveyard by Monika's house will be a great way to film some of the establishing shots and build the suspense feeling as well as establishing the genre. We will film the stalker from behind with a camera folowing him trough the graveyard.


Costume wise; our two characters will really contrast each other. Our stalker will be in all black clothing - a black hoodie/ black coat, black gloves, black shoes and black trousers. Also, in some shots he will be wearing an anonymous mask. The victim in our opening sequence will be wearing a number of different regular teenage girl outfits to show the events of the stalking over a period of time. The outfits will consist of skirts, jeans, crop tops, leather jackets, converse and boots in a variety of colours.


The props that we will be using are;

  • Polaroid pictures
  • Fake blood
  • Knife
  • A mask
  • Laptop
  • Dolls heads
  • Mobile phone
  • Some hazardous tools
  • Ash tray
  • Cigarettes

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