Monday 23 November 2015

BLOGPOST 41 Pitch Feedback

The feedback we got after we presented our pitch.
We presented our pitch to the rest of our class and to our teacher which included our intentions and plans of our opening sequence. After completing the pitch, both our teacher and class gave us feedback; about what they liked and what they thought we could improve on.

The most common bit of constructive criticism that we received is that we needed more visuals in our presentation. We intend to fix this and add more pictures of the mise-en-scene.

Another concern was 'What if the main character cannot film all the time or drops out?'.  To us this isn't a problem due to the character of the stalkers' face not being seen, so if the actor was to drop out, anyone could fill in as long as they wore an all black costume.

We will reflect on all of the comments to make improvements when it comes to filming and editing.

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