Saturday 21 November 2015

BLOGPOST 40 Draft 1 of Pitch Information



Our film is about a regular teenage girl who gets followed and stalked by an unknown figure. She finds odd things occurring everyday which starts to take over her life; causing her to be extremely paranoid. However primarily, she doesn’t think anything about it. The film follows the stalker, following her; getting an insight on their plans. Death is constantly suggested throughout, but who knows what will happen if they come face to face.

Another film opening that influenced us was from The Conjuring. Even though the opening consists of still images, suspense was still there due to the soundtrack and font of the credit titles. The credit titles really fit into the images shown on the screen, and this is what we intend to do; ensure that the font matches the genre of our opening and that the titles fit into the opening; not looking out of place.

The title sequence will show a masked character, whom the audience will never know the true identity of, stalking a regular teenage girl. This will be done online as well as in person. We will film scenes of the stalker in their lair, planning and looking at pictures of their victim, as well as showing the stalker watching her in her house, out in public and on her social media sites. As the title sequence is discrete, this will not be in any particular order and the opening will contain clips showing pictures of the victim, dolls heads in the woods and in a grave yard to show possible connotations of death to make the audience think and wonder about what will happen later on in the film.

As previously mentioned, our opening sequence is discrete as we believe it is best for our chosen genre as it will keep the audience guessing.

The title sequence of SE7EN has largely influenced our ideas for our opening sequence, especially having closely analysed it when doing a remake of it. It keeps the audience engrossed and entertained, making them think and wonder what will happen during the whole film. Also, in the SE7EN title sequence, you don’t ever see the face of the character so you do not know who is planning the events. This influenced us a lot.

We intend to stick to the conventions seen as we believe that this will get the best effect and reaction from the audience.


The genre of the film is a Thriller as we think they’re exciting and that we can potentially create a really good opening due to the many initial ideas we have had. There are many different directions to go with this genre – there aren’t too many things that we can’t do. Our film would also fit under the sub genre Thriller-Horror.

As mentioned before, SE7EN was a massive influence to our title sequence. It helped a lot that it is the same genre as the film opening that we intend to produce. The mystery is caused not only by the actions of the unseen character, but the music and black background credits also match the happenings as they’re placed in a particular order so the full effect can be achieved.

Another title sequence of the same genre that has influenced us is Unfriended. It was more that the film as a whole influenced our title sequence than the actual opening sequence. We loved the whole concept of the movie being an online thing, rather than something happening on the street. We intend to include a lot of shots of a computer, showing that the stalking also happens online but in the title sequence, these shots will be very fast so that not many details of the victim are shown.


The two main characters of the film are shown in the title sequence in different ways. The stalker will only be seen from behind, or parts of their body will be shown such as their hands. The victim will be shown only through pictures.

The social group of teenagers (teenage girls) will be evident in our film opening. As she will only be seen through photographs of her, she will be portrayed through stereotypes. This will be done through costume and makeup.


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