Monday 9 November 2015

PLANNING - Costume and Prop Ideas

Costumes are one of the most important elements in the film industries. Many costume designers aim to make a product that the audience will remember and recognise. Some of the most memorable costumes to me are:


In the movie MALEFICENT actress Angelina Jolie which is the main character wears animal-skin-covered horns, wicked accessories made from animal skeleton rings and claw bracelets to feathered shoulder pieces using precious stones, crystals, leather and the odd bits of bone, teeth and even some human hair., also character wears a long black dress, cloak and a scarf. In some scenes her costume involves a massive black wings. Actress herself was involved into costume making as she  envisioned the savage elegance of her character.


Jack Sparrow is a memorable character from the movie Pirates of Caribbean mostly because of his looks and funny character. He wears  a dreadlock wig with lots of acessories on it: beads, feathers, coins and a dirty red headband. His beard also has been decorated with beads and eyes have been outlined with a black eyepencil to give it a stronger character. He wears a typical pirate costume; white shirt, a vest, trausers, boots and a belt with a sword. Moreover, the character wears lots of gold on him including gold rings and bracelets.


Jason Voorhees character from horror movie 'Friday the 13th' can be recognised everywhere. The most memorable acssesorie is his mask, many people still use it on halloween nights. The mask covers his face and identity, there are many holes in the mask and some red scratches. It also had a leather strings to secure it on the head. Designers tried to make this mask look like it was home -made as the character lives alone in a little house in the woods. Moreover, Jason always carries either a knife or a sword with him  as a tool to kill people. He wears an ordinary men outfit: trousers, t-shirt, jacket and shoes, however the clothes are dirty and covered in blood.


I was looking at similar films and the type of props that they use and  by doing so I came up with some ideas for props for our own movie:

Fake blood
Fake knife
A diary


For the costumes I was thinking that the stalker coud wear a tracksuit or either a long black coat to hide his identity.
The girl should wear dresses and shorts in the pictures of her as it shows the feminity of her and portrays the common conventions within media.

 The stalker outfit (tracksuit and a snapback)
 Victim in the pictures - wearing dresses.

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