Sunday 1 November 2015

BLOGPOST 31 PLANNING - Final Ideas; Abigayle Cotterell

Our final idea for our title sequence is a discrete opening which will create tension and will make the audience want to know more about the characters and what will happen in the rest of the film.

The title sequence will show a masked character, whom the audience will never know the true identity of, stalking a regular teenage girl. This will be done online as well as in person. We will film scenes of the stalker in their lair, planning and looking at pictures of their victim, as well as showing the stalker watching her in her house, out in public and on her social media sites. As the title sequence is discrete, this will not be in any particular order and the opening will contain clips showing pictures of the victim, dolls heads in the woods and in a grave yard to show possible connotations of death to make the audience think and wonder about what will happen later on in the film.


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