Sunday 1 November 2015


Head on
The 'Head on' task was about gathering out individual ideas and putting them together in preparation for our actual film idea. The genre we decided on was thriller so we started off thinking about the conventions of a thriller and seeing what we needed in our film opening to make that evident.

We thought of many things that we could do for a thriller movie but we came up with these ideas:
  • The villain will be wearing an anonymous mask that looks like this:

  • We will use a computer in our film title and have it in our last scene.
  • The shots we looked at were ( Low angle shots, tracking shots. birds eye view, titled angle shot, hand held shot and point of view shot)
  • There will be two main characters, a girl and a male
  • We will be using props like fake blood and pictures of a girl
  • We will shoot in a graveyard for some of the scenes
  • We will have quick cuts to build up tension and suspense
  • The lighting will be dim for the most part
  • We will be using non- diegetic asynchronous sound
  • Our film opening will be discreet
  • We will have a shot of the man staring into the girls window
  • The male will be dressed in all black (Black hoodie, black boots/trainers, black joggers) 
We were influenced by the following two films:

This movie has a similar narrative to us as it is of someone's obsession over one person. Although in this movie the stalker is actually the woman how she stalks the man was influential as we found some ways of how we can get the man to stalk the woman.

We took inspiration from the movie unfriended because this movie has a social media element where Facebook and other social media sites are used which is what we are aiming to use as part of our film opening. This film is about a group of people that hold  group conversation. A random person wants to join but the group decline all of a sudden the people in the group chat start dying.

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