Sunday 4 October 2015

RESEARCH - Film Opening

In order to create a film opening that will attract an audience, risks have to be taken - questions may not be answered in the rest of the film. A key feature to film openings is that it grabs the audiences attention, or that it causes 'instant arousal'. A good way to do this is to create suspense or shock. This will make the audience intrigued and want to know more about the storyline resulting them to stay intact throughout the duration of the film. As well as this, the opening should not be predictable and should make the audience feel as if they need to know more.

Another factor of a good film opening is to establish the main character(s), the setting and the tone. The challenge of doing so is establishing them all at once. This can be done with the types of camera movement and shots, mise-en-scene, and also soundtrack. This creates the mood of the film opening and instructs the audience how to take on and watch the rest of them film. It should determine whether they should take the film seriously or ease up and get ready for the upcoming humour.

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