Sunday 18 October 2015

RESEARCH - BFI Statistic Yearbook results

I look at the BFI statistic year book so I could research more into successful films in order to get the right idea for the film my group and I are going to make. Here were the results:

The 3 most successful genres at the UK box office were Animation, Comedy and Action. The 3 least successful genres at the UK box office were Documentary, Romance and War.

During 2013-2014, Comedy was the film genre which release the most films, however - this didn't mean that they were more successful. 153 comedy films were made. Also, 33 animation films were made, followed by 47 action films.

This information shows that even though many comedy films were being made, over production companies still carried out their films to try and outdo the last one. This also shows that the film audiences like films which are less realistic.

The age group which made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK -who went to the cinema most are 15- 24 year olds. The comedy film which was most successful with this age group was Hangover 3.

The film which was most popular with people aged over 50 was Sunshine on Leith which comes under comedy and musical.

The genres which were most popular with men were thriller, action and comedy films and UK films appealed most to people aged between 45 – 54.

The 3 films which were most popular with the 7-14 age group were One Direction- This Is Us , Wreck-It Ralph and Despicable Me 2. This suggests that children like movies in which they recognise celebrities and animation films.

The 3 films which were most popular with the 35-44 age group were Frozen, The Croods and Jack and the Giant Slayer.

The 3 films which were most popular with the 25-34 age group were Django Unchained, Fast & Furious 6 and 26 Rush.

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