Sunday 4 October 2015

RESEARCH - Film Title Sequence Analysis

Forest Gump 
The first thing you see in the Title sequence of Forest Gump is the Paramount ident. This then fades out to a video while the soundtrack begins. The video begins by following a white feather through the sky, while the film credits appear. Whilst the camera follows the feather, it begins to establish the location of the film; the town. The feather ends up falling to the feet of Forest Gump, the main character of the movie. Even though the location and main character are established, the title sequence does not indicate or give hints on what the rest of the movie is going to be about. However, the tone is set as a gentle soundtrack is being played while a white feather wonders the sky. Even though the title sequence is soft, it gives off features of adventure as the small feather wonders a large space.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The title credits for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo are quite different than the Forest Gump credits. The soundtrack is played before the ident. As well as this, no setting or character from the movie is shown, just little clips that are associated with the film and showed conventions of the Genre. From the title sequence we learn that the film is a Thriller. The film titles show people in a black, dark surrounding. The credits then appear on the screen. The soundtrack is a massive factor of the title sequence as it adds to the creepy effect that the it gives the audience and leaves the audience intrigued as to what the movie is about.


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