Thursday 8 October 2015

RESEARCH - Target Audience


I have done research on Thriller genre films because it's my chosen genre for my coursework.


Demographics of the audience that consumes this movie are: gender - most likely to be male, about 40-54 years old who belongs to upper, middle and working classes. They are most likely to have an information and technology professions as well as accounting. These people have more support towards the left wing party politics.

This type audience likes to go to the galleries and museums, as well as spend time with their families. Their favourite sport tend to be athletics.
 Moreover, they describe themselves as open, but on occasions disinterested. Their favourite brands are sony, mark&spencer, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Lidl and Nissan. The entertainment that they enjoy includes movies such as: 'The Da Vinci code', TV shows like Cardinal burns. The music that they listen to is composed by artists like Billie Piper and their favourite celebrities are people like Andy Parsons.


Demographics of the audience that consumes this movie are: gender- most likely to be a male between 40-54 years old. They are likely to support right wing political parties and live in Midland region, UK. The most common job for these people are transport and logistics.

The lifestyle that they are into includes hobbies such as: video games and driving. They also prefer box as a sport activity. In their free time they watch movies or show their interests in politics. 

'Taken' audience describes themselves as easy going and funny, but on occasions stubborn and selfish. The brands that they use are: Toshiba, ITV Sports, Netflix, Asda, Reebok, DKNY and TSB bank. Their favourite movies include; Taken2, Blade and Face/off. Tv shows: Mr. Bean, favourite music - Peter Gabriel or A-HA and favourite celebrity - Matt Greening.


Demographics of the audience that consumes this movie are: gender - males about 25-39 years old who lives in East Anglia or London and are working/middle class. Usually workers at media and publishing industries and tent to support left wing party.

The lifestyle of these people are very active; they tent to exercise , like boxing and goes to pubs a lot. Some of their interests are  sex and relationships.

These men describes themselves as agreeable and loyal, but  occasionally boring and nervous. The brands that they are likely to use are: Nintendo, LG, Primark, ASDA. Favourite movies include - Transformers, down of the planet of Apes. TV shows: Dangermouse. Music: Kurt Cobain, Lana Del Ray.

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