Friday 9 October 2015

RESEARCH - Genre and Audience research


Three genres that were most successful at the UK box office - 
  The pattern of box office by genre each year is usually determined by a small number of high grossing releases. 
 Animation, which included the biggest film of the year, Despicable Me 2, was the top earning genre with a combined gross of £247 million. Action was the second highest earning genre of the year with a combined gross of £215 million and comedy was third with £158 million.

Three genres that were least popular or successful at the UK box office - 
Romance, Documentary and War.

Film genre which had most films released in 2013-2014 - COMEDY. It released 153 films in 2013-2014. 
 However, even though animation and action were the most successful genres, there were only 33 animated films and 47 action movies made.

This information about genre shows that in film production genres who released the largest amount of movies have been least successful, while the ones who released small amout took over the first places in the most succsessful genre table. Also, this proves that the audience for animation is way bigger than producers expect and people are more likely to watch this genre. 


In 2013, the 15-24 age group made up the largest proportion of UK cinema admissions, at 33%.

The most succsessful comedy film with this age group was -  The Hungover Part III

The most popular film with over 50s was -  Quartet which was a drama film.

Genres that were most popular with men - Thriller, action and comedy. 

Genres that were most popular with women - Biografical, Animation, Romance. 

UK films appealed most to C1 audience type.

Three films which were most popular with 7-14 year olds - 'One direction: this is us', 'Wreck- It Ralph' and 'Despicable Me2'. This shows that young people preffer to watch animations or movies related to their idols. As animation was the most successful genre, I think that children made up the largest audience.

Three films that were most popular with 35-44 year olds were - 'Frozen', 'The Croods' and 'Jack and the Giant Slayer'. This contributes to animation being the most successful genre as people at that age are most ikely to have young kids who like animations, the parents tend to go and watch movies with their kids and look after them.

Three fims that were most popular with 25-34 year olds were - 'Django Unchained', 'Fast and Furious 6' and 'Rush'.

People in London prefer action and western films while people in Scotland are more likely to watch drama films, this suggests that the people from different regions/countries have different lifestyles and tastes.

According to the ethnicity of audience table we can see that white audiences were over-represented among video buyers and under-represented among consumers of other platforms.

Also, as in 2013, disabled people were under-represented across all film platforms with the exception of physical sell-through. Disabled audiences were particularly under-represented among cinema-goers.




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