Thursday 8 October 2015

RESEARCH - Target Audience

Thriller Target Audiences

A target audience is a group of people who a specific piece of media is aimed at. I looked at three thriller films and analysed who their audience is as we're trying to find out what target audience Thriller films have.

The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

I found that the demographics of the audience for this film were males aged 40-45. This was surprising as I had guessed that the audience would've been a mixture of both genders and perhaps a bit younger. Also, I found that the audience were making around £1000 a month or more, and that they appear to be in the North East and in London. 

As well as this, I found this set of information about the audience interesting.

Additionally, the audience describes themselves as opening, challenging, as well as dull and grumpy. The audience also tends to consume such brands as LG, Panasonic and Sony.

The Purge

I found that people who watch The Purge are majority male who are aged between 25-39. It seems as if the main audience for Thriller movies are male.

Here is some additional information about the typical audience member of thriller films.
These are also some qualities of a thriller movie audience:

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