Sunday 11 October 2015

RESEARCH- Target Audience Interviews and Survey


 I decided to ask different people of different gender and age about their favourite movies to explore our options of target audience. and to see what film would appeal more to each target audience. I recorded the responses and have placed them in this video.

I also distributed a survey on my social media accounts, as well as emailing it to a few people who I thought would respond straight away. Thee are the results:

I found that the majority of the people who answered the survey were female...

... as well as being aged 17 or younger. However, there was quite a variety of different ages who took part.

Results showed that the majority of people who took part in the survey spent their free time watching TV or Films.

The majority of people said that they enjoyed watching films. Many people said that they chose 'Sometimes' as they had to be in the mood to watch one.

Although many people said that they prefer American films, this put us to a little stop. We realised that we had to form some kind of American feature to our film opening in order to appeal to more people as well as audiences.

I asked people to describe their favourite types of characters so that we could possibly create a character with similar qualities to help to appeal to more people.

Here are some other questions that I asked that I thought would be helpful and useful to know when it comes to creating our own storyline, characters and film opening as a whole.

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