Friday 30 October 2015

RESEARCH - Evaluation of 'SE7EN' remake


Throughout the planning, there were some struggles I had to face when making the storyboard for our title sequence remake. This was due a large number of different shots, which were very short, some of them lasted less than a second as it was a discrete opening. I missed out couple of them as I thought they aren’t very important and we won’t have enough time to record them all as we only had one lesson to record everything.

Also, I think that location and prop choices had a big impact on our final product. The kitchen where we recorded our sequence was dark and suited the thriller theme very well. We used phone flash light for our lighting. Moreover, we came up with an idea to use pink umbrella and flash light in order to create the red light effect that was used in the original title sequence. However, we weren’t allowed to use some of the dangerous props such as razor blade because it’s a hazard. Instead we used a nail file. As I was the person acting in the remake, I brought in dirt to make my hands look more like a serial killer’s. We also used a lot of print outs to recreate the drawings and pictures from the original piece.

It was quite a long process to create the title credits which made it not as easy as I expected. We looked closely at the ‘SEVEN’ title sequence and picked the most similar front. Also, we added a ‘jiggy’ affect which made the titles jiggle up and down creating a tension. Personally, I think that our title choice perfectly fits the tone of the film as it looks very similar to the original one; some titles are intergraded and some contrast on the simple black background. The most annoying difficulty throughout the making was the render time; it took whole night for our opening title sequence to render

If I was to complete the task again, I would spend more time on effects; we couldn’t get the ‘old tape’ effect on the black background. I would also include more shots and record first shot from a different camera angle. I would also consider of changing couple of props, but overall I’m happy with the outcome we produced.


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