Thursday 1 October 2015


what makes a good title sequence according to Kyle cooper 


There are many things that make a good opening but according to Kyle cooper the main three main factors:

Set an expectation
The opening film is meant to set an expectations of the film and give out subtle clues. For example the film "seven" involves someone cutting their fingers with a razor blade so already the audience has their expectations set ( a dark and sinister movie). 

Getting you excited:
The opening of the film is meant to look exciting so that your audience show interest though the whole film. As if your movie opening is boring it sets a mood for the whole film and the audience may become disinterested. 

Seamlessly dub tails into the film:
The last thing that makes a good film opening is blending the movie opening with the whole film as the film opening can set a backstory for the whole film. It can also be used for another scene for the movie or something that the audience may have not understood if the film has run out of budget.

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