Thursday 1 October 2015

Prelim Evaluation

I feel as if by completing this task, it has helped me to understand more about the camera and a bit more about how filmed productions are put together. I believe that planning was one of the strongest steps that we achieved in the process of the production as everyone in the group knew what they were doing and knew what we had to accomplish. Filming was also a strong point as I think that we got really good shots, however we needed to handle our time better as we didn't get everything done in time. Additionally, I feel as if editing could've been done better to show more of the shot reverse shots we had produced. On the other hand, we managed to successfully show someone walking through the door, sitting down and having a conversation with someone, using match cuts and also showed our understanding of the 180 degree rule as we didn't break it.

If we were to complete the project again, I would ensure that we have enough time to get all of the shots that we needed, and to edit the footage better to show the shot reverse shot more. Moreover, we have learnt that storyboarding and shot lists are vital when filming a project as it really helps you get more of an idea of how your finished product will look like, and would give us a head start in filming as we already have everything planned, meaning we wouldn't waste time.

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