Tuesday 20 October 2015


Seven remake evaluation

For the Seven remake I felt that I preformed better than my prelim task as I took the time to actual think about the different kind of shots use and analyse the film opening that we were remaking, by doing this I feel that less time was wasted and we were able to complete the task in the allotted time given which was less stressful and we were able to give a better final product. During this evaluation I have learnt even more skills than before. I have learnt how to:
  • Position the lighting correctly to get the desired effect
  • Use many more shots to create different images
  • To work in a group effectively and share out roles
  • To be more creative producing the film.
  • I have also learnt how to put titles on the film opening using after affects and premier pro
I feel that my filming skills have gotten better and I have learnt from the mistake of moving the camera while filming which before made that bit of the clip unprofessional but with experience I have learnt to keep still with the camera and shake less.

 also feel that by analysing the original 'Seven' title in the detail that we did made it easier to replicate the film opening as we took every shot that was in 'Seven' and broke them up into individual shots, as we constantly had the opening playing.

The organisation I felt in this remake was better as the stuff was prepared and we used the time effectively as if two people were filming a shot the other person would go and get the next scene's stuff ready so we didn't waste time getting the different scenes ready and were able to retake shots if we weren't happy with them as we had enough time to do so.

The planning I feel was successful as well as we had a storyboard that was used to tell us what was going to happen in each shot. We also had a shot list to help us with the angle and the distance each shot had to be at. 

I thought I was particularly good at the lighting in each scene as it has to be held at an angle to stop any shadows appearing and to make sure everything needed in that scene was lit and everything else was dimmed. I also thought that I was better at the filming as I took time to position each shot and kept on checking back to see if the shot was as we wanted it to be.

The editing was hard and stressful as because we took time and broke up the shots individually we had a lot of clips to put together. We also had to refer back to the film to see how long each shot needed to be there and how long the blank scene appeared for which was difficult. We also had many titles to put in which we had to save individually to make them appear on the blank spaces we had created for them.

Overall I feel that this remake was much better than my prelim as everything was organised and we came up with an idea for different things quickly, I feel that this had improved my planning filming and editing more.

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