Thursday 15 October 2015

RESEARCH - Micro and Macro Analysis



The camera work in this film opening include; panning, tracking as well as the camera moving about. They have shot the film so it looks like the audience are inside the body of the creature and are moving to different bits and pieces inside it.

This is rare to see but the ident is customised to the movie. Another film that has this is the Harry Potter set.
They stick to a colour theme of green, as well as including many different skeleton features. Things such as organs, blood cells and the heart are also seen. As they're seen in a gruesome way, these are conventions of a thriller movie.
Instruments create music in the opening - a piano and violin. As these are quite soft, it creates a suspenseful and tense atmosphere for the readers because of what you can see on the screen. The music however, increases and gets more intense further into the opening. They have also layered more sound by using sound effects such as the heartbeat.


The key plot introduced in the title sequence is the creation of something, as if the audience are actually in the creature watching it form. The storyline is introduced a little bit at a time. Primarily, the audience is unaware about what is going on but certain aspects of the film opening ease the audience into the storyline. However, there are no characters introduced in the film opening only the formation of one. This is a discrete film opening, so it's hard to see whether certain things are being represented.

The order of the titles:
1. Ditribution ident
2. Production ident  
3.Production ident 
4.Production ident 
5. Distribution company 
6. Production company
7.Production companies
8. Director
9. Actor 
10. Actor  
11. Actor 
12. Casting
13. Make up
14. Actor 
15. Visual effect supervisor 
16. Actor 
17. Digital effect and animation
18. Costume designer
19. Sound mixers
20. Music
21. Editor
22. Production designer
23. Director of photography
24. executive producers
25. executive producers
26. executive producer
27. Actor 
28. executive producer
29. Producer
30. Story writer
31. Screenplay
32. Film title

33. Director 

The Game:



Throughout the movie opening, they use a range of close ups of peoples faces with various tracking shots of people acting out fast movements. There are clear shots used such as an establishing shot. This is used to inform the audience where a scene is taking place.


The editing is significant in this opening. There are special effects that happen throughout. For example, the puzzle effect which links to the title of the movie, The Game. It also looks as if the movie is really old and old fashioned due to the effect. As there were black screens in between in each some shots, these created tension as the audience are expecting something to jump out on the screen.


As the opening is set mostly at a wedding, the characters are dressed in fancy clothing such as suits and fancy dresses for the women. They have done this to make it clear to the audience.


The piano playing in the background creates an uneasy atmosphere as the audience are waiting for something to happen. When watching it personally, I was waiting for a loud bang and something to pop up and make me jump. They also use sound effects, this time it was things such as glass breaking.


The key plot idea introduces in the title sequence is a intimate family event with odd seeming characters lurking around. The storyline is introduced slowly at different times as the movie opening doesn't seem to run consistently and it doesn't seem to be put together seamlessly so the audience has to put the pieces together; just the a puzzle. Characters are introduced at different times in the opening, for example the little boy and his father are show at the beginning of the film. The shows that they are significant throughout the movie and have key roles. More of the family are introduced throughout the opening. The family are portrayed stereotypically at the stereotypical perfect wedding. However some of the family are represented negatively as he father smoking and his pushed someone into a swimming pool; which shows their flaws.

The order of the titles:
2.Distribution company
3.Production company

4.Film title

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