Monday 12 October 2015


Analysing 3 Title Sequences

The Game:

Micro analysis:

In the opening of The Game, the first thing we see is a mid-shot of a father and song posing on what seems to be a camera on a special occasion as they are wearing a suits and ties, there is also no movement of the camera while this shot is taking place.
Throughout the movie opening there are a range of close ups of peoples faces with various tracking shots of people walking, running and playing.
Lastly there consists of a wide shot to establish where they are which looks like a wedding .
There are special effects as after every credit there it breaks up into little puzzle pieces like it is part of the game. This helps add to the effect of the actual title hence the name 'The Game'.
The editing also looks like they are playing on old movie as it has lines through the opening as if the movie opening was really outdated. Also between shots it would go black and cut which gave an uneasy feel to the whole opening and that even though it was a happy time there was still something uneasy about it. for example it would be nice/cuts/nice.
There are different locations and different settings within the movie opening but it looks like its based on a wedding at the reception with different glimpse's of what everything was doing. The costumes in the movie opening are fancy with mainly suits and pretty dresses showing indicating a celebration. Also there are lots of different pictures of happy moments within the scene.
There is a music soundtrack within the opening the music is old and there is a piano playing in the background, however even though the music is soft not a media trope for a thriller there is something uneasy about everything in the scene and the music adds to this,
There is sound effects in the film indent which is the glass shattering which adds to the effect of the indent breaking up into little puzzle pieces.

Macro Analysis:
What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
The key plot idea introduces in the title sequence is a intimate family event (wedding) with some creepy characters in the midst of the happiness.
In what order is the storyline introduced?
The storyline is introduced slowly at different times as the movie opening doesn't seem to run consistently and it doesn't seem to be put together seamlessly so the audience has to do the work to put together the pieces.
What characters are introduced? When and how?
The little boy and his father are introduced in the beginning of the film, showing that they are significant to the movie opening, we also see them in various times throughout. There is also all the family introduces though the rest of the opening however we do not focus on the actual family.
What social groups are represented? How are they represented?
They are represented as a normal family as they are at a normal family event which is a joyous occasion. This is stereotypical of a family coming together at a wedding looking like the perfect family. However some of the family are represented badly as he father was caught smoking on several occasions and the boy pushed another little boy into the swimming pool showing the cracks in the family.

Are you Afraid of the Dark:

Micro Analysis
There is an establishing shot of the scenery which consists of a boat and swings that are moving.
There are edits that seem like heartbeats as they change from different shots
There are dark and dim lighting in the place, which mainly looks blue because of the storm outside which projects into the actual room.
The location is in an old house based in an attic.
There also features a clown that pops up in a panning shot.
There is also a focus on the keyhole which seems to be lighting up outside which could be symbolic and part of the technical codes.
The title appears to be dark at first then a match is lit and the title changes color then it goes back to the original color when the match is blown out there is also smoke.
There is also apprehensive music as the location is established.
Also sound effects of children laughing specifically a girl laugh is dominant, which adds to the sense of creepiness.
When the clown is coming nearer we can hear the music intensify as it moves closer to the clown showing the significance of what looks to be like just a toy.
 Macro Analysis:

What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
The key plot is introduced near the middle of the title sequence as the music intensifies and we see a clown come into focus which gives a clue to the plot. As the clown looks scary the audience can come to a conclusion that the movie is a thriller involving a sinister clown.

In what order is the storyline introduced?
The setting is introduced first and as the setting is dark and dingy the first scene of the title sequence seems to be introducing the mood of the film. We don't learn about the setting until we enter the house when we hear children laughing and the clown appear.
What characters are introduced? When and how?
There are no actual real life characters in the actual opening which adds suspicion and enhances the theme of the setting being abandoned and wrecked. The movie opening looks like its there to establish the setting and the possible villain (the clown).

What social groups are represented? How are they represented?
There are no social groups represented in the opening sequence as there is no actual characters, by doing this it is more engaging as the audience will want to know about the characters making them watch more of the movie.


Micro analysis:

There are lots of camera moves in this film opening;
  • Panning
  • tracking
  • Moving around
are all the ways that the camera moves. They have also shot the film opening so the audience feels like they are inside the body of the creature and is transporting us to different places in her body.
The indent blends into the action movies as warner bros is not in its original colours its in darker colors which then transforms into an image of a skeleton. This again happens to the various companies shown in the film opening.
At the end of the film there is also a piece of skin shown and as time passes veins start appearing to form the word 'splice' which is the title of the film.
The whole scene is darkly lit and mainly in green (the colour palette).
we also see lots of skeleton pieces inside the creature which the audience sees, we can also see different parts of the body like its heart, bones and organs. we can also see lots of red blood cells.
There is a piano playing in the background of the movie and the piano is playing very softly which creates a scary atmosphere. The music is also very intense as we go further into the film opening.
We also see bubbles and hear the sound they make as we can see them on screen which is a sound effect, another sound effect is the heartbeat sound we can hear as the title is present on screen, we can also hear the veins coming together.
There is also a violin present and can be heart along with the piano.

Macro Analysis:

What is the key plot idea introduced in the title sequence?
The key plot introduced in the title sequence is the creation of something, The audience is actually in the creature watching it form.
In what order is the storyline introduced?
The storyline is introduced step by step as the audience is introduced to the storyline slowly, at first the audience is unaware to the storyline but certain aspects of the film opening ease the audience into the storyline.
What characters are introduced? When and how?
There are no characters introduced in the film opening only the formation of one. we see this by seeing certain parts of the body for example red blood cells.
What social groups are represented? How are they represented?
There not many social groups represented as this title sequence is a discreet title sequence and doesn't give much away.


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