Thursday 1 October 2015

RESERACH - The purpose of title sequences and film openings

Title sequences and film openings are important features of the film. They can be presented in different ways.

Firstly, they can be ways of introducing the story plot. This can be helpful with determining the genre of the film, as well as giving the audience a taste of what the film is about; whether clips from the movie are being shown, or just graphics and convention of the particular genre. Soundtracks used in the opening are also used to help determine the genre and set the mood.

This is also a chance for the production teams to get credit as idents are shown during the opening of films. These are usually really familiar to the audience and they will normally recognise them. The openings of film are also a chance for the main characters to be introduced, as well as the settings. This can be done by using the title sequence as an opening scene, or by using clips from the movie.

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