Tuesday 20 October 2015

BLOGPOST 19&20 RESEARCH - Remaking of 'SE7EN'


In order to create our remake of the SE7EN opening sequence, we had to analyse everything that occurred and what was used in terms of camera shots, credit titles and props that would be needed. 

This was a group activity but we split what we had to do between us so that we could get more covered. 

These are some of the camera shots which were used in the original opening of SE7EN, and were noted down in chronological order so that it would be easier for us when we go onto producing our remake. 


The props we used includes: 

  • Tea 
  • Printed out Family photographs
  • Printed out Pregnancy Article  
  • Sharpie 
  • Drawn pictures of hands 
  • Red paint 
  • Nail file 
  • Plasters
  • Dirt 
  • Notebook
  • Pen 
  • Pink Umbrella 
  • Black Ink 
  • Paper 
  • Thread 
  • Toaster 
  • Screw driver 
  • Cardboard box
  • Film
  • Scissors 
  • Printed out Pregnancy scan 
  • £10 note
  • Marker
  • Reading book

Story board: 


We used staff kitchen as our filming location, we had the light switched off and used flash light from our phones to create more mysterious looking shots. We also used some of the tools we found in the ktchen such as toaster and sink.

Once we had filmed all of the shots that we needed, we edited the film in the editing suite (premrier pro), added the sound and film credits (after effects)

This is our final remake of SE7EN

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