Wednesday 14 October 2015

RESEARCH - Macro and Micro elements of thriller title sequences

"The Game" 

Micro analysis

In the title sequence of "the game" there are many close up, wide and long shots as well as zooming in and out during the same shot. This way it makes the sequence look as if it is home-made video of a family celebration. Also, the vintage film tape effects are used throughout the whole sequence to establish that the settings of the film opening is meant to be in 80's - 90's. The mice-an-scene of the oipening is a family meeting/party in a big garden. The house that is shown in the opening is very big which suggests that the main characters had quite high status in society. Moreover, the costumes and props also convey that the memories are quite old and goes back for couple of century's. In addition, at the beggining audience is able to hear some noises of water, waves, rain and thunder. Hoewever, the mainsountrack of the movie is piano instrumental piece which is mostly sad and get even deeper (minor) towards the end. This sets the tone and reveals the genre of this movie.

 Macro analysis
The key plot idea in the title sequence is to show main characters memories about an important event of childhood. The whole storyline in this order: preparation for the party- people posing for pictures together - kids watching a pupet show - kids playing games - a man staruing through the window - clown show - mood of some characters chaging (getting sad/angry). The main character which is being introduced at this point is a boy which is as I quess the same man that is being shown at the end of the title sequence. Also, as mentioned before the main social class represented is high social class which is shown mostly postively but with some suspition.

The order of the titles 
The sequence of credits for this movie was very simple; it only uses four main credits which made the opening very discrete and mysterious. Credits only appear the beggining on digitally stylised screen made of black puzzles which then break and flow out of the image transitioning to another title.
The order of credits:
2.Distribution company
3.Production company
4.Film title 

Micro analysis

The title sequence of 'Splice' contains mainly of close up of different scientifical and biological organisims as it is discrete type of opening. The movement of camera and different shots are quite fast. All of the sequence has been created digitally adding lots of effects. The transitions between ident and didtribution company is edited to create a visual effect of a x-ray scan. Also, the rest of the credits are 'flowing under the water' as the trasition between them are water bubbles that flow straight into the screen creating a 3D type effect. The sound includes music (slow piano music which then gets faster as more instruments join in) and some foley sounds and sound effects            ( scietific tool sounds, water  and wind sounds, also some other weird blood, slime sounds).

Macro analysis

There are no key plot ideas or characters introduced, as well as there isn't a clear storyline to analyse. 

The order of titles

For this movie there are many credits which happens to be diffrent. For example actors names and the title are eddited to appear on the organisms which makes it look as if they are intergrated into the actual opening, where the rest of the team names appear on the moving images in white small font. The opining is dicrete with some use of stylised edditing done. 

Order of the credits:

1. Ditribution ident
2. Production ident 1 
3.Production ident 2
4.Production ident 3
5. Distribution company 
6. Production company
7.Production companies
8. Director
9. Actor 1
10. Actor 2 
11. Actor 3
12. Casting
13. Make up
14. Actor 4
15. Visual effect supervisor 
16. Actor 5
17. Digital effect and animation
18. Costume designer
19. Sound mixers
20. Music
21. Editor
22. Production designer
23. Director of photography
24. executive producers
25. executive producers
26. executive producer
27. Actor 6
28. executive producer
29. Producer
30. Story writter
31. Screenplay
32. Film title
33. Director 

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